Sunday Meetings
Sunday Meeting Schedule
Sacrament Meeting: Every Sunday @ 1:00 pm, in person and broadcasted (Contact Bishopric for details on how to watch the broadcast)
Sunday School: 1st and 3rd Sundays @ 2:10 pm, in person only.
Relief Society and Elders Quorum: 2nd and 4th Sundays @ 2:10 pm, in person only.
Sunday Meeting Lessons
Sunday School
We are studying the Doctrine and Covenants using the Come, Follow Me curriculum.
Relief Society Lessons
2/23 "Ye Are My Friends" by David L. Buckner
3/09 "Nourish the Roots and the Branches will Grow" by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
3/23 "The Joy of our Redemption" by Kristin M. Yee
4/13 "I Am He" by Jeffrey R. Holland
4/27 "The Lord Jesus Christ Will Come Again" by Russell M. Nelson
Sunday Bulletin
Check out this Sunday's bulletin here. You can also view past bulletins at the same location.
Sunday Broadcast
If you need to watch the ward broadcast, please contact a member of the Bishopric. They will provide you with the required password for that week. Once you have the password, click here to view the stream.